Maple CPI
Tool to explore data related to inflation

This tool was developed to allow people from different backgrounds to develop a better understanding of the current state of the economy in Canada, allowing generic users to explore data about inflation, while also being a tool for advanced users to build analysis, develop charts and export information related to the Canadian Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Brazilian Elections Data - In Portuguese
2022 - 2nd term

Shiny application to follow the voting counts for the Brazilian 2022 presidential elections in the second term. This application sources live data from the TSE (Superior Electoral Court of Brazil), allowing for the user to check in real time the voting count. The application includes data in the country level, state level and municipality level.
Containerized Selenium API
Running a Docker Container with Fast API, and requesting data using selenium
The main objective of this repository is to deploy a Docker container with both, FastAPI and Selenium, to check the possibilities when we try to use FastAPI to receive parameters, and run a selenium process in the background to gather and parse data.
INEP/MEC Microdata scripts - In Portuguese
Collection of repositories related to ETL of educational microdata available in Brazil
The repositories contain scripts related to the process of importing, cleaning, and transforming microdata extracted from Brazil’s Ministry of Education. Both repositories assume that the user has already downloaded the datasets
Density of applicants in UFRGS entrance exam - In Portuguese
Historical data from 2016 until 2023

The purpose of this application is to allow for exam applicants to understand how disputed will be the entrance to specific courses at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). This allows the user to view this data with different filters and to export this data to analyze themselves.